
Richard Ortiz



希腊流行的岛屿目的地纳克索斯和圣托里尼之间有许多轮渡连接。 在希腊的夏季旺季,每天可能有多达 8 个纳克索斯到圣托里尼的轮渡航班。

纳克索斯岛和圣托里尼之间的轮渡旅行时间从 1 小时 15 分钟到 2 小时 55 分钟不等。 这种变化是由于不同的轮渡运营商、轮渡类型,以及从纳克索斯到圣托里尼的轮渡路线上可能有多少个停靠站。

See_also: 五月的希腊最佳岛屿(以及为什么米克诺斯没有被列入名单)。

您可以在以下网站找到最新的纳克索斯(Naxos)轮渡时刻表: Ferryhopper

纳克索斯和圣托里尼经常被列入希腊基克拉泽斯群岛的跳岛行程中。 有些人还选择在夏季从纳克索斯到圣托里尼的一日游,当然这取决于轮渡的时间表。

本指南旨在为您提供所有您需要的信息,规划如何从纳克索斯乘坐渡轮前往圣托里尼。 这实际上是希腊最简单的渡轮旅行之一!

See_also: 泰国朱姆岛 - 朱姆岛旅游指南

Richard Ortiz
Richard Ortiz
Richard Ortiz is an avid traveler, writer, and adventurer with an insatiable curiosity for exploring new destinations. Raised in Greece, Richard developed a deep appreciation for the country's rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture. Inspired by his own wanderlust, he created the blog Ideas for traveling in Greece as a way to share his knowledge, experiences, and insider tips to help fellow travelers discover the hidden gems of this beautiful Mediterranean paradise. With a genuine passion for connecting with people and immersing himself in local communities, Richard's blog combines his love of photography, storytelling, and travel to offer readers a unique perspective on Greek destinations, from the famous tourist hubs to the lesser-known spots off the beaten path. Whether you're planning your first trip to Greece or seeking inspiration for your next adventure, Richard's blog is the go-to resource that will leave you yearning to explore every corner of this captivating country.